Thursday, 4 August 2011

One way or another.

You know how sometimes, when you're scared, it feels as though your heart stops beating for just a second? Well it happened to me today and it felt as though I was being consumed by paralyzing fear. It's happened before, for example like every time I trip and see myself fallling head first on to the painful cement, but today it was somehow different. I was with the gloup or atleast members of it. For those of you who don't know, "The Gloup," is what my friends and I refer to as our group of close friends. (You can blame Taylor and her speach inpedement for that one). I personally think it was good for us to experience something like that all together. However, judging by the look on Andrews face, he would have prefered for it not to have happened at all. I guess I can't blame him. Although, he knows just as well as I do that a few weeks from now we'll look back on this and laugh. One way or another we find a way to make everything fun. Well here's what happened. We were driving down pembina into St.Norbert with six of us in the car. Sean and Taylor were laughing about something I'm sure wasn't all that funny in the front seat beside Andrew who was driving. Kirby was minding his own business and Erik and I were discussing how his previous job including him doing various activities at the local community centre. Although I was secretly wishing he would just shut up and kiss me, but that's beside the point. The point is none of us had anticipated Andrew being so close to the curb and none of us had changing a tire on the side of the road penciled into our agendas. One second we were driving down the road, and the next I let out a girly scream and gripped Eriks hand like it was going to protect me from the death I was expecting after the cars sudden jerk downward. Apparently I'm the only one who hasn't experienced a flat tire occuring while still in the vehicle because the only other reaction of any sort was Sean saying what the fuck and some concerned looks being exchanged. Either that or I'm just jumpy, which is a definite possibility. I suppose it doesn't help much that I wasn't wearing a seat belt. Oopps, sorry Government. Lukily Erik claimed alphmale status the second we got out of the car. He jumped on the opportunity to change the tire. I've seen a tire being changed many times, however, I've never payed as much attention as I did when Erik was the one changing it. Somehow it seemed more interesting or maybe he just looked better doing it but regardless. He replaced the old, torn tire with a spare which was substantially smaller. Once he finished I wanted to seriously "hug" him. I don't know what it is about guys and manual labour but I will say this, they go well together. Too bad once he finished his hands were practically swimming in oil from the tire. I didn't mind but apparently he did. Long story short, he refused to even hold my hand on our WALK to the nearest co-op.

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